Prodotti Moxa - EDS-408A-1M2S-SC-T - Switch Ethernet a 8 Porte
Gli EDS-408A sono switch Ethernet managed Moxa a otto porte di livello base, specificamente progettati per le applicazioni industriali.
Gli switch di questa serie supportano molte utili funzioni tra cui Turbo Ring, Turbo Chain, ring coupling, port-based VLAN, QoS, RMON, gestione della banda, port mirroring, e avvisi via email o relè. L'utilità Turbo Ring può velocemente essere impostata tramite l'interfaccia web di gestione o con gli interruttori DIP sul pannello superiore degli switch EDS-408A.
Prodotti Moxa - EDS-408A-1M2S-SC-T - Switch Ethernet a 8 Porte
8-port Entry-level Managed Ethernet Switch with 3 Fiber Ports
Command Line Interface (CLI) for quickly configuring major managed functions
IPv6 Ready logo awarded (IPv6 Logo Committee certified)
DHCP Option 82 for IP address assignment with different policies
Support EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP protocols for device management and monitoring
Compatible with EtherNet/IP and PROFINET protocols for transparent data transmission
Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time < 20 ms), and RSTP/STP for network redundancy
IGMP snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic
Port-based VLAN, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, and GVRP to ease network planning
QoS (IEEE 802.1p and TOS/DiffServ) to increase determinism
RMON for efficient network monitoring and proactive capability
SNMPv1/v2c/v3 for different levels of network management security
Bandwidth management to prevent unpredictable network status
Port mirroring for online debugging
Cimtech Italia
Categoria Industrial Ethernet Switches
Prodotto EDS-408A-1M2S-SC-T
Codice EDS-408A-1M2S-SC-T
Prezzo Unitario
1.473,90 € iva esclusa
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